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Our Clients Say

"Logan listened attentively and took it all in. As a mother, witnessing another individual speak life into and empower my son, the way I do at home, meant the world to me."

Written by Paedra Nicole

Our Story

Andy and Jen Roberts

Hooked Martial Arts was born out of a journey filled with challenges, resilience, and the unwavering belief that "No One Is Allowed to Hurt You." Our story is personal—it’s about facing obstacles, finding strength in difficult times, and creating something meaningful for ourselves and our community.

In 2018, we stepped away from the martial arts world, leaving behind a community that had brought us so much physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The decision was incredibly difficult, but it gave us the opportunity to reflect on what mattered most. By the end of 2022, we realized how much we missed the infectious atmosphere of martial arts—the sense of community, the physical fitness, and the mental health benefits. We decided to take a leap and start fresh, on our own terms. That’s how Hooked Martial Arts came to be.


Though the break was challenging, it allowed us to rebuild with renewed focus and a deeper understanding of what we wanted to create. Now, as a family-owned school, we’re doing what we love—teaching martial arts and fostering a supportive and positive space for everyone who walks through our doors.


Andy’s background as a successful high school wrestler shapes his unique and genuine teaching style, where he focuses on nurturing his students both on and off the mat. Jen’s extensive experience in dance, combined with her expertise in operations, ensures that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes, while her popular stretch classes help members enhance their flexibility and overall wellness. As parents of three children—Max, Charlee Grace, and Stella—who are part of the Opelika city school system, we understand the importance of a strong community and strive to cultivate that sense of belonging within our school.


At Hooked Martial Arts, we’re passionate about helping our students grow, both physically and mentally, while building a community that thrives on connection and mutual support. When you train with us, you become part of something bigger—an empowering journey that extends beyond the mat.

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